NOVEMBER 15, 2013 BY THE AUTUMN GREEN ‘‘کافر’’ میں جب یونی ورسٹی میں اپنے ڈیپارٹمنٹ میں داخل ھوتا ھوں، تو سب سے پہلے میری نظر سٹوڈنٹ نوٹس بورڈ پر پڑتی ھے۔ وھاں عام طور پر کسی نہ کسی کو سالگرہ مبارک کہنے کے لئے کوئی نہ کوئی چارٹ سجا ھوتا ھے۔ میں اسے دیکھ کر مسکراتا ھوں، اور سوچتا ھوں کہ شاید کبھی میرے لئے بھی کوئی ایسا چارٹ لکھ سکے۔ پھر میرے پاؤں دائیں طرف مڑ جاتے ھیں، اور میں سیڑھیاں چڑھنے لگتا ھوں۔ میں جب ڈیپارٹمنٹ کی اوپر والی منزل پر پہنچتا ھوں، تو ایک تکلیف دہ منظر میری بینائی کا مذاق اڑانے لگتا ھے۔ سامنے دیوار پر لکھا ھوا ایک بے رحم لفظ جیسے میرے قدموں کی زنجیر بن کر مجھے روک سا لیتا ھے۔ ایک ایسا لفظ، جو مجھے شدید خوفزدہ کردیتا ھے، اور میں خود کو اس ماحول میں نا صرف اجنبی، بلکہ غیر محفوظ بھی محسوس کرنے لگتا ھوں۔ یوں لگتا ھے کہ اسے کسی نے مٹانے کی کوشش کی ھے، تبھی تو نہایت بڑے حروف میں لکھا ھونے کے باوجود بھی وہ لفظ واضح طور پر دکھائی نہیں دیتا، اور شاید اس پر میرے علاوہ کسی نے کبھی توجہ بھی نہ دی ھو۔ مگر وہ اپنی جگہ پر برسوں سے موجود ھے، اوراس معاش...
Showing posts from 2013
Religious and sectarian conflict
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Religious and sectarian conflict While Punjabis represent the majority of the population, Pakistan is home to a constellation of communities based on regional, religious, or historical identities: Bengalis, Baluchs, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Sunni, Shia and Ahmadi Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus, Christians and Jews, Muhajirs and refugees from Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Gujarat. Sectarian and religious violence have been a recurrent feature of Pakistan’s history since 1947, both in the form of violent conflict between religious communities, and in the form of one-sided violence against religious minorities. Inter-religious conflicts surfaced as early as in the early 1950s, when religious parties, and in particular the Jamaat-e-Islami, called for excluding Ahmadiyya community from Islam. Ahmadis have consistently experienced severe discrimination both from the government and from other Muslim sects. In 1974, the Pakistani parliament declared Ahmadis as non-Muslims, while their religious fre...
What do you know about the issue of religious extremism and militancy in Pakistan?
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It is the most alarming and destructive problem facing by Pakistan today. The Martial law of General Zia ul haq, brought a lot of issues to the country in which religious extremism, militancy And sectarianism has brought us to stand in destructive point. Many religious groups were formed and established by the government authorities, and were financially and Weaponry supported as well, for the Afghan war against former USSR (Russia). Shia and Sunni conflict was also introduced to the region by General Zia-ul-haq. Lashkar-e-Jhangwi, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashka-e-taiieba, and Jaish-e-Muhmmadwere formed and established to fight against Shia’s. In this conflict many Shia’s and Sunni leaders have been killed. So far every group has their trained and well equipped military groups who are used against each others. These groups were further supported by RAW, KGB, ISI and Mao sad, to create law and order problems. In 1904 the great Khudaie khidmatgar (servants of God) was establi...
What is the function of a human tongue?
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The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth. The tongue is covered with moist, pink tissue called mucosa. Tiny bumps called papillae give the tongue its rough texture. Thousands of taste buds cover the surfaces of the papillae. Taste buds are collections of nerve-like cells that connect to nerves running into the brain. The tongue rolls the food into balls or boli (singular: 'bolus') and pushes them to the back of the buccal (mouth) cavity for swallowing. The tongue is not considered as part of the respiratory system, mostly on account of it not assisting in breathing. It is part of the gastrointestinal (digestive) system. The tongue helps you to swallow, then peristaltic action propels food, now called a bolus, down the esophagus. Tasting and Processing the Food: Your tongue works along with our teeth, lips and mouth to taste, chew, and swallow food. Your teeth help your tongue grind food as the tongue mixes the food around your mouth. Without your teeth, lips, and the ...